Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apple starts Verizon iPhone TV ads

Apple has quickly chased Verizon's iPhone 4 ad with one of its own. The new 30-second TV spot plays up the importance of having more than one US carrier and shows the GSM and CDMA iPhones using the exact same FaceTime chat, iBooks and photo apps as each other. "Two is better than one," it says.

The commercial has arrived less than two weeks before Verizon pre-orders start and is unique among any iPhone ads in touting carrier choice. Apple has added extra carriers in previously exclusive areas before, but it has never seen the additions as important enough to justify a full ad.

The ad may stem both from the importance of ending the longest-running iPhone exclusive in the phone's nearly four-year history but also to Apple's own determination to beat Google.

Analysts have argued that Android has been sheltered from real US competition by AT&T's iPhone exclusive. Without an iPhone of its own, Verizon has devoted its full marketing attention to Android and given Google a vehicle for promoting its sales.

The CDMA iPhone might not necessarily shrink Android's user base at Verizon but could stifle its growth by luring both those new to smartphones and those who only bought an Android device because they refused to switch to AT&T.


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