Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sony pushes PS3 3.56 update in likely anti-jailbreak

Sony said late Wednesday that it would soon push out a 3.56 firmware update for the PS3. The company wouldn't give details other than that it would add a "security patch." Most expect that it will attempt to close up the holes exposed by Geohot and fail0verflow that prompted a DMCA lawsuit.

The company has made a regular practice of pushing out minor updates in the past several months under the guise of security that have almost always been intended to patch jailbreaks.

It's unknown if the latest attempt was successful or if it will last for long. In creating its most recent exploit, fail0verflow may have discovered a permanent technique that could either leave it always open or have patches that are rendered obsolete in days or even hours.

True security for the PlayStation may not come until a new hardware revision, in part as hackers have discovered Sony encryption keys that can't necessarily be changed.


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