Saturday, March 26, 2011

Apple growth expected to outpace IBM, HP

Forrester Research CEO George Colony has placed a prediction that Apple's growth will continue to outpace that of rivals IBM and HP.

The latter companies are expected to fall behind, in terms of yearly revenue, as early as 2013. Colony anticipates Apple's revenues to exceed $200 billion during the same period of time.

"They'll be bigger than IBM next year, and they'll be bigger than HP the year after that," Colony was quoted as saying, according to a Newsfactor report.

Other analysts question the potential impacts if Steve Jobs is no longer able to lead the company. Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle suggests the short-term effects will be minimal, but the long-term consequences could be more serious.

"Remember, every two years they have to fill that store with new stuff," Enderle said. "Without Steve Jobs as the CEO, I think it will be much harder for them to do that."


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